Building a New Era of Offshore Wind

The Brattle Group released a report titled Offshore Transmission in New England: The Benefits of a Better-Planned Grid, underscoring the pivotal role of transmission policy in the development of New England’s offshore wind industry.

According to the report, onshore electric grid cost savings of over $1 billion and significantly reduced environmental impacts can be achieved by adopting a multi-user, planned transmission system to harness wind power off New England’s coast.

The Brattle Group presented their findings in a virtual panel discussion with Tufts University and the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance on May 14th. A recording of the panel discussion, as well as access to the report and technical appendices from General Electric and CHA, can be downloaded on this page.

Panel discussion topics included:

  • How can Massachusetts and New England most effectively scale its ocean resource?
  • What policies do we need now to jumpstart the industry after the profound impact of the Covid-19 epidemic
  • Offshore wind status update
  • Grid integration challenges
  • Lessons learned from Europe
  • Findings from analysis by the Brattle Group and Tufts related to offshore transmission
  • Next steps for the offshore industry



Dr. Lyndie Hice-Dunton

Responsible Offshore Science Alliance

Dr. Lyndie Hice-Dunton is Executive Director of the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA); a partnership formed by fishermen and offshore wind leaders in collaboration with federal and state agencies. Dr. Hice-Dunton has a background in fisheries science, environmental policy and offshore development, and began working in offshore wind in 2016, most notably as the technical lead for the New York State Offshore Wind Master Plan’s Fish and Fisheries Study and Fisheries Technical Working Group.

Professor Eric Hines

Tufts University School of Engineering

Professor Eric Hines directs the offshore wind energy graduate program at Tufts University, where he leads the transdisciplinary Power Systems and Markets Research Group. Dr. Hines has over 20 years of experience in the field, including work on the Wind Technology Testing Center in Charlestown, MA, the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal, Beijing’s Yin Tai Center, and the Block Island Wind Farm.

Hannes Pfeifenberger

The Brattle Group

Hannes Pfeifenberger, a Principal at The Brattle Group, is an economist with a background in electrical engineering and over twenty-five years of experience in the areas of regulatory economics and finance. He specializes in electricity market design, transmission pricing and cost-benefit analyses.

Dr. Walter Graf

The Brattle Group

Dr. Walter Graf is an Associate at the Brattle Group with expertise in electricity wholesale market design and analysis, load forecasting, and rate design. His work focuses on addressing economic issues facing regulators, market operators, and market participants in the electricity industry in the transition to a low-carbon supply mix.

“Developing a shared ocean grid is the most effective way to scale offshore wind. The next phase is achieving states’ goals depends on building transmission infrastructure in a way that reduces overall costs, protects fisheries and the environment, and enables continuing growth on New England’s best energy resource.”

Edward N. Krapels
Founder & Chairman of Anbaric

“Transmission is vital for achieving Massachusetts’ offshore wind goals. We can green the grid, create jobs, and effectively reuse coastal power plant sites by developing transmission first, and this study shows why that’s a good approach for Massachusetts and New England. “

Patricia A. Haddad
Speaker Pro Tempore of the MA House of Representatives

” To the extent to which a coordinated transmission network would ultimately lead to less structure in the water and under the seafloor, it would create fewer impacts to fishing practices and fishery resources”

Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA)

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